The new issue of the Danish Literary Magazine is available and includes excerpts from novels by Charlotte Weitze, Christina Hesselholdt, Hans Henrik Moller, Lisbeth Brun, Lone Aburas, Lone Horslev, Morten Brask, and Simon Glinvad.
Q & A: Caryl Phillips
At *The Guardian* Anthony Cummins has a Q & A with the 'New
York-based Kittitian-British author' (and Leeds United fan), in Caryl
Phillips: ‘It was ...
My translation of Pia Tafdrup's Senses pentalogy (five-volume collection),
on which I have been working with the author during the past few years, is
now c...
Love Your Translator
Ah, translators! Invisible, overworked, underpaid, and…underloved? Check
out the Love Your Translator campaign and Facebook page. Get some stickers
and sho...
International Books and Roses Day 2014
Today is La Diade de Sant Jordi in Catalan lands, a.k.a. St. George's Day,
a.k.a. UNESCO's World Book Day, a.k.a. International Books & Roses
Day. Traditi...
Première sélection du Prix de Flore 2012
Le jury du Prix de Flore a annoncé mercredi 12 septembre sa première
sélection de dix romans en lice pour le prix qui sera décernée le 8
Rediscovering The Quay Brothers
*by Sandy Mandelberger, North American Editor*
Among the filmmaker iconoclasts who have influenced many a film and visual
artist, one of the least herald...
2010: Ten Best Films
*Here’s the only top ten that really matters, then, as Colin and James
offer their respective five best films.Over to Colin first:*
*5. TRON: Legacy (20...
2nd International Conrad Festival in Kraków
The second International Joseph Conrad Festival started yesterday in Kraków
and for the second year running is putting Kraków on the map of
international l...
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