Though it has yet to be released in English translation, ArtInfo provides a sneak peek at French provocateur Michel Houellebecq's new work, La Carte et le Territoire, dealing with the art world.
Apparently the novel satirizes artists Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons and includes a character named Houellebecq, who, as one might expect, is an alcoholic and spends his spring and summers in Thailand sampling the whorehouses.
Like most of Houellebecq's work this sounds like an interesting read.
The novel will be published in the U.S. in 2011.
Libris Literatuur Prijs shortlist
They've announced the shortlist for this year's Libris Literatuur
Prijs, a leading Dutch novel prize, paying out €50,000.
Six titles are left...
5 hours ago
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