Check out the recent article on Spanish-language translator Edith Grossman in Bookforum here.
I have a small but interesting connection to Grossman: She co-translated, along with Allen Ginsburg, a chapbook of the work of Carlos Edmundo de Ory, a Spanish poet whose work I've been translating. Though the chapbook was printed, it was never distributed; it was deemed to have too many problems by the publisher and most of the copies were destroyed. Only a handful of copies still exist (I was fortunate to obtain one a couple of years ago in Spain from Jaume Pont, an Ory scholar). Grossman herself has never seen the edition (I need to at least send her a photocopied version), and no one I've spoken to at the Allen Ginsburg trust had any notion of its existence.
Thomas Bernhard Research Centre
The official opening of the Thomas Bernhard Research Centre is at
18:00 tomorrow.
The Centre sounds promising:
A key objective of the Thoma...
6 hours ago